
Wednesday 8 June 2011

Time for Gardening - Grow Tasty Health-Giving Herbs!

So many elderly folk give up gardening as it becomes too much to cope with.

So the best thing you can do, is to show your group how easy it is to grow herbs in pots.

Mine are in a greenhouse, as our first planting, when we left the pots out in the garden, was demolished by squirrels - the fresh compost was too tempting for them to resist and they happily got digging...!

Herbs do well on windowsills too - just need plenty of light and moisture (careful of too much direct sun and keep damp but don't over-water)

Herbs are fast growing and there are so many available in seed packets. We chose Coriander, Parsley, Basil (my favourite!) Thyme and Tarragon.

Apart from the wonderful flavour of fresh herbs in cooking and salads, they are also full of all the healthy bits we need, including loads of vitamins.

I have been told that any excess is easily frozen for use later in cooking. You simply rinse in water and then shake and place in a plastic bag, label and freeze. Not yet tried - anyone done this? 


  1. Love gardening but have never tried herbs. Love those Surfinia, I've got some pink ones growing in my hanging baskets.

  2. Beautiful pictures, those pinks are so rich. Yes, I love herbs too, it's nice to grow something which you're going to use and the smells are amazing. I have frozen flat leaf parsley before and that seemed to work well.

  3. Ooh, what a bright pink! I had some purples ones last year, trailing Petunias, but I didn't like the sticky leaves so although they survived the winter, I chucked them out.

    Your herbs look really neat and healthy, from seed is a great feat, never grown them from seed but are they fast growing? I know you said that you planted them quite a while ago. The copper tape has really worked, and also looks pretty on my pots. Do your slug pellets kill the slimes and then you have to pick them up and sling the shells away or do they just repel them?

    Thank you for your kind thoughts about my blog, it's nice to know someone enjoys my words! I like your gardening posts, can you garden with the elderly? Indoor planting can make people very happy. :)

    I hope you've had a pleasant weekend?

