
Sunday 13 February 2022

ACEO Miniature Painting - Have you got the right brushes?


ACEO miniature watercolour painting - about paint brushes
A Warm Afternoon

Have you got the right size brushes for painting ACEO, miniature, watercolour paintings?

The only acceptable size for an ACEO painting of 3.5 x 2.5 inches - no other size will qualify! Thus they do fall into the "Miniature" category...

When I started painting ACEO's, about ten years ago, there were not many suitable fine, detail brushes available. The best on offer, I found, were the brushes sold for painting on model aeroplanes or military tanks etc.

But now I find there are more available...!

I use a Round brush size 10 for skies and under-washes, and then a size 6 and 4 to fill in the backgrounds of my landscapes.

For trees I reach for my Rigger to keep the foliage light, using different shades of green to keep it alive.

Then to finish off a landscape by painting in the details, I use my fine watercolour brushes - I really like the ProArte Masterstroke range - Sizes 1 to 10/0 

They are very reasonably priced and hold their shape well. 

Just make sure they are kept clean and left to dry standing brush-up in a jar.
While painting be careful not to leave the brushes in your water jar, head down or they will soon bend out of shape...!

For more about ACEO's look at my menu bar at the top of my Blog!

Enjoy painting your ACEO's...!

Farming in Africa

Winter Fields


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