This quiz is about Capital Cities of the World - but to help you along I have given you some of the letters in each of the city names.
Here is the link - Quiz and Answers!
Capital Cities of the World
If you want more quizzes for your groups have a look at my eBook -
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Titanic |
Time for another quiz I think...
Thirty questions - all the answers are numbers...No not maths! Just general knowledge questions. Things we all come across and work with, in our daily lives - have a go with your group or maybe see how many you know, best over a cup of tea!
Here is the link - can be printed out...
Quiz - All About Numbers!
If you enjoy this one, then do have a look at my Quiz eBook
Printable eBook - 41 Easy Quizzes
Perfect for winter days to keep the mind ticking along...!