These simple Washer Necklaces are very easy to put together and our class at Mencap really loved creating their own combinations of colours and designs...
What you need...
Metal washers - an assortment of sizes - look at your hardware shop for these...
Nail varnish - we bought a cheap variety - plain colours and one with sparkles in it.
Yarn or cord or leather strips - we used a cotton/rayon yarn but use any suitable - each strip about 108mm long (43inches)
Pony beads - large hole bead
Blue or White Tack (to mount beads on, when painting)
How to make...
Mount your washer on a lump of Blue or White Tack (to raise it up from your table) and paint the top side and edges with your nail varnish.
When dry, take your yarn (you can use a single piece or two or three lengths of yarn - see photos) and fold in half.
Thread the rounded end through the washer and loop the ends through so your washer hangs from the centre of your yarn.
Thread on beads and maybe add another washer - see our examples for ideas...
Tie the ends of the yarn together and you are done...
Easy to make and lovely to wear...!
Enjoy the fun of creating these funky Washer Necklaces...!
Thread on beads and maybe add another washer - see our examples for ideas...
Tie the ends of the yarn together and you are done...
Easy to make and lovely to wear...!
Enjoy the fun of creating these funky Washer Necklaces...!