Sunday 13 February 2022

ACEO Miniature Painting - Have you got the right brushes?


ACEO miniature watercolour painting - about paint brushes
A Warm Afternoon

Have you got the right size brushes for painting ACEO, miniature, watercolour paintings?

The only acceptable size for an ACEO painting of 3.5 x 2.5 inches - no other size will qualify! Thus they do fall into the "Miniature" category...

When I started painting ACEO's, about ten years ago, there were not many suitable fine, detail brushes available. The best on offer, I found, were the brushes sold for painting on model aeroplanes or military tanks etc.

But now I find there are more available...!

I use a Round brush size 10 for skies and under-washes, and then a size 6 and 4 to fill in the backgrounds of my landscapes.

For trees I reach for my Rigger to keep the foliage light, using different shades of green to keep it alive.

Then to finish off a landscape by painting in the details, I use my fine watercolour brushes - I really like the ProArte Masterstroke range - Sizes 1 to 10/0 

They are very reasonably priced and hold their shape well. 

Just make sure they are kept clean and left to dry standing brush-up in a jar.
While painting be careful not to leave the brushes in your water jar, head down or they will soon bend out of shape...!

For more about ACEO's look at my menu bar at the top of my Blog!

Enjoy painting your ACEO's...!

Farming in Africa

Winter Fields


Saturday 12 February 2022

Easter Bunny Collage - Tutorial using Junk Mail!

Easter Bunny Collage using Junk Mail Tutorial and Printable Templates

Time to start getting your Easter Craft on the go...

Here is a very easy way to make an Easter Bunny using Junk Mail! Easter Bunny Collage using Junk Mail Tutorial and Printable Templates

The bunny always ends up as a surprise, as you don't really know what he will look like, until you cut him out and turn him over!

What you will need...

Colourful paper - We used Junk Mail but any coloured paper will do


A4 sheet of card for background mount - any colour will do 

Thin ribbon, wool or strips of paper for flower stems

Googly eye (optional)

Cotton ball tail (optional)

Butterfly Stickers (optional)

How to make it...

Print out 

Easter Bunny Template

Flower Template 1.

Flower Template 2.

Hold the Easter Bunny drawing up against a window and using a pencil, draw the Easter Bunny image on the back of your sheet of paper

Work on that drawing on the back of your paper

Cut strips from your coloured paper or junk mail

Easter Bunny Collage using Junk Mail Tutorial and Printable Templates

Glue the strips on top of the Easter Bunny - do not keep inside the lines - just stick the strips on and go over the lines of the drawing, until the whole image is covered - as above

When dry turn the paper over and cut out the Easter Bunny using the original print as your guide

Turn it over and there is your "Designer Wear" Easter Bunny!!

Attach a googly eye and a cotton ball tail if you want to finish him (or her?)

To make the flowers print out the Flower Template (links above)

Using these flowers as patterns, cut them out of your coloured paper

Glue your stems in place on your card background 

Glue your flowers onto the card background

We finished off with some butterfly stickers!

Hope you enjoyed this Easter Craft - for more ideas click on the EASTER button at the top of my Blog!

Easter Bunny Collage using Junk Mail Tutorial and Printable Templates

Tuesday 8 February 2022

6 New Bookmarks to Print and Colour-In...!

Printable Bookmarks
We enjoyed making these simple Bookmarks at Mencap this week...

If you would like to make some with your group or with your children here is a tutorial with printable templates...

what you will need...

Thin card in light colours

Colouring in pens or crayons

Laminator and Laminator pouches (optional)

Ribbon (optional)

Single punch (optional)

How to make up the bookmarks..

Print the templates onto thin card. (If you are laminating them, then you can print onto paper)

Here is the link  Bookmarks

Colour in the pictures

Cut out each bookmark

They will last a long time if you laminate them (seal in a plastic sleeve) but not essential.

Punch a single hole centre top and tie in your ribbon.
Bookmarks printable

Monday 7 February 2022

Printable Quiz - Ten Words ending in TEN!

Quiz - words ending with TEN

An easy quiz - just for fun...over a cuppa tea or coffee!

How many words do you know that end in "ten" ?

For example...often, handwritten 

Ask your group to try to write a list of 

that end in "ten"...

Here is selection of some I have found, but there are lots more...have a dictionary on hand to resolve disputes!

Have fun! 

If you would like more quizzes to have fun with, here is the link to my
Printable Quiz eBook - 41 x 10 Easy Quiz questions


Thursday 27 January 2022

Quiz - Classic Children's Books & Authors

Quiz - Classic Children's Books and Authors picture of Peter Pan

Today's quiz is all about our childhood classic books - who are the authors of these books?

How many can your groups get right?

Quiz - Classic children's books and authors

I have given you both the book's name and the author but have muddled them up... so for you to pair them up!

In your groups of senior citizens, this quiz will stimulate much reminiscing about each book - encourage this discussion as it is good mental exercise!

Maybe memories of having the book read to them as children, or seeing the story played out in a musical or stage show - lots of good memories will surface...

Here is the link - printable instantly!

Quiz - Classic Children's Books & Authors

If you would like a supply of easy quizzes that can be downloaded as a PDF file and printed as required, please do have a look at my eBook...

41 x 10 Quizzes eBook

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Valentine Padded Felt Hearts - Tutorial and Printable Templates

Padded Valentine Hearts tutorial
 Sewing Valentine Padded Felt hearts on a cold Winter's afternoon, with a cup of tea and donuts to follow - our Mencap group really enjoyed this project!

What you will need...

One A4 size piece of felt - for the 2 large heart shapes

Smaller pieces of felt in contrasting colours for small hearts


Embroidery thread and needle

Ribbon (30cms or longer if you wish)

Polyester fibre filling (toy stuffing)

Pinking shears (optional)

How to make it...

Print out your patterns  

3 x Heart Template Shapes

Cut out two large hearts 

Cut out one each of the smaller size hearts (per side **)

Place the button on top of the two smaller heart shapes and sew them 
together, leaving your thread hanging down underneath.

Place this in the centre of one of the large hearts and sew together, through the three hearts and the button.

If you want - do the same with the other large heart (you will then have small hearts and buttons on both sides of your finished padded heart **) 

Place the two large heart shapes together and starting at the bottom point, stitch them together - either using blanket stitch or a simple running stitch.

When you reach centre top of your heart, slip the ends of your folded ribbon in between the two large hearts and sew through them to attach the ribbon to the heart.

Continue sewing down the other side, stopping when you have about 4cms still open. 

Don't end off - leave your thread hanging.

Stuff your heart at this point and then continue sewing until you reach the bottom point again.

If you have used a running stitch (as in the purple sample), you can trim off the edges of your heart with pinking shears (optional) 

Here are some our group made... Hope you all enjoy this 

Felt Hearts Valentines

Click on these hearts for another Tutorial >>>>>>

Wednesday 19 January 2022

20 Anagrams Printable Quiz - In the Kitchen - With Answers!

quiz anagrams kitchen utensils
I have put together 20 Anagrams of things you would find in the kitchen - have fun re-arranging the letters. Here is the link to this printable quiz...

Quiz Anagrams - In the Kitchen

If you want more quizzes have a look at my Quiz eBook...

41 Easy Quizzes with Answers 
Fun, easy but stimulating....!

Tuesday 18 January 2022

Tutorial - Make an Easy Twist / Friendship Bracelet with Embroidery Thread!

Twist bracelet from embroidery thread
These little Twist Bracelets (aka Friendship Bracelets) are so easy to make - the colour combinations are endless and your groups will love churning them out - either as a fun bracelet for themselves, or as a gift for the children in their families...

You will need...

6 Strand embroidery thread

Electrical sticky tape (or any similar)

Pony beads (beads with a large hole)

How to Make the Twist Bracelet...

Cut six lengths of thread  - each 70cms longHave fun deciding on the colour combination. I chose 2 Brown, 2 Green and 2 Orange but you can have six different if you want!

Tie a  knot about 10cm from the top of the threads. Fasten them to your worktop with tape just above the knot.

Hold the end of the six threads together and twist them together in the same direction, until they feel really tight.

Twisted together
 Pull the twisted length straight and place your finger in the centre of it. 

Fold the twisted length in half, remove your finger and watch it twist together. 

Make sure you keep hold of the ends whilst doing this bit to keep the twist tight!

 Remove the tape and knot the free ends together. Trim the ends. 

Thread on the pony beads.

To fasten the bracelet, slip the knot through the loop at the other end.

For smaller wrists, just knot again further down and trim.

Twist bracelet from embroidery thread

WARNING - Making these Twist Bracelets is very many colours to choose from!!
