Fun Summer Hats Collage! |
This week we decided to celebrate Summer (at last!) by making some Fun Summer Hats Collages.
Easy for any age or ability and some striking results - quite the thing for Ascot we believe!!
What you will need...
A4 sheets white printer paper
Decorative paper / thin card for hat
Embellishments - cutouts of flowers, butterflies, buttons, ribbons, bows - these can also be the kind you stick on gift parcels - glitter and anything else you have on hand...
Glue sticks (any glue really, but the sticks are less messy and dry quickly)
Double sided adhesive pads to attach bows etc
A4 sheet of card to glue the finished hat onto
How to make it...
Print out the Hat Template
Turn your print over and draw the same shape on the other side of your paper.
Easy way to do this is, is to hold it against a window so you can see see through the paper...
Now work on this side (your drawn hat outline)
Cut strips/shapes (whatever you want) of decorative paper/thin card and glue them across the hat shape - overlap each piece and go over the edges of the hat shape line.
When this has dried, turn your paper over and cut out your hat from the shape on the back of your sheet.
Now the fun part ...Add your embellishments...Buttons, bows, flowers, ribbons, glitter etc
Here are some Flower Templates you can use
When you are happy with your hat, stick it onto an A4 sheet of card, at a jaunty angle and stick something in the corner to finish it off!
And here are some of our hats we made at Mencap...
Have fun with your group as we celebrate Summer!